How to Contribute

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Revision as of 18:07, 14 October 2024 by 8fedg (talk | contribs)
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If you have experienced contributing to Wikipedia, then this site is no different.

Remember to add a Category to the page before saving.

Creating or Editing a MediaWiki Page with VisualEditor

Step 1: Access the VisualEditor

  1. Log in to your MediaWiki account.
  2. Navigate to the page you want to create or edit.
  3. If the page does not exist, you will see a link to create it. Click on the "Create" link.
  4. If the page exists, click on the "Edit" button at the top of the page.
  5. Select "Edit" from the dropdown menu if using a different editing method, and choose "VisualEditor".

Step 2: Editing Your Page

  1. Once in the VisualEditor, you can start typing or paste your content directly into the text area.
  2. Use the formatting toolbar at the top to format text, add links, and insert images.

Step 3: Adding a Category

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you want to add a category.
  2. Click on the "Insert" menu (represented by a plus sign +).
  3. Select "Templates" from the dropdown.
  4. In the search box, type Category:YourCategoryName (replace YourCategoryName with the desired category name).
  5. Click "Insert" to add the category template to your page.

Step 4: Saving Your Changes

  1. Once you've finished editing the content and adding the category, click on the "Publish changes" button at the top right.
  2. In the summary box, briefly describe your changes.
  3. Click "Publish changes" again to save your work.

Important Notes

  • Make sure the category name you enter exists. You can create new categories by following the same steps.
  • Categories help organize pages within MediaWiki, making it easier for users to find related content.